This post about Claudine Gay’s resignation seeks to look at the probable reasons why professor Gay bowed out.
Did racism play a role in the departure of the ex-President of Harvard? After all, she was the first black person to be president of Harvard. Well the way the previous-President Summers took her up on not commenting on the Israeli/Hamas war was questionable. She is not the only school president who did not share a public opinion about the war.
Her area of expertise is political science. She should know best how to manage such a situation. Besides her school is one of the most diversified with a huge percentage of students from all over the world, than the others whose presidents referred to the war.
Meanwhile in her first three months of resumption, she had rescued the school by cutting down on some expenses and saving more than enough money for the school. Could it be that some men were unhappy because she did in a space of three months what the men could not do in the previous years? Sexism in high places?
if one watches her “inquisition” before the investigation panel over and over again, it seemed like she was being forced to admit to antisemitism because students decided to protest. Her offense was the students’ protest. Should she take away their freedom of expression because two countries are at war?
No school president wants to see her students protest. Her assignment is to remind and caution them not to become physical. And they did not get physical. So why the fuss?
Besides, hushing them is taking away their freedom of expression which every school must celebrate.
Plagiarism was drummed up. The accuser does not know that in accusing the good professor of plagiarism, it is equal to running down the school. That is because she is a graduate of same Harvard. Are the accusers saying Harvard made a mistake in awarding her a certificate?
So far, the accusations look like a reason to bear false witness and chase away the blacky from the seat of power.” Will an African m
So what is your opinion about the accusations against the good professor? Please share in the comments section below.
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