She was Seated in the cool of the evening

With the wind swaying her scarf like a dog swinging its tail

She thinks about her shining knight in a faraway town

Defending the emblem of the country he’s sworn his allegiance

Day and twilight, she sits at the gateway awaiting the victory trump to sound

Hopefully, she’ll one day be able to smile

The thought of wars flashes through her mind

In every instance, she chooses to see life

Trusting her guardian angel to be a guardian indeed

Alas she heard a sound

She jumped up and ran

Her beloved she seeks

Hoping he’s among the living.

Tearing through the crowd weeping

My love, my love she screamed

She thought hope had let her down

Then she felt a gentle touch on her side

Looking up it was her knight

Smiling and blistering with dust

She chuckled and calls him naughty

Welcome back my love she said!

See you next time!!!

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